If you want to reduce the lines on your face without having to resort to surgical procedures, the good news is that facial rejuvenation techniques can soften wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.
Our non-surgical procedures are simple and quick, usually requiring only a single visit to our clinic. They are painless, show immediate results, have long-lasting effects and are scar-free.
The cosmetic benefits of Botulinum toxin were discovered in 1990 and it has been used effectively and safely ever since.
The treatment involves injecting very small doses of botulinum toxin via an extremely fine needle into the appropriate area. This sometimes causes a brief stinging sensation. Discomfort is so mild that anaesthesia is not required. Normal activity can be resumed immediately after the procedure.
No serious side effects have ever been reported for cosmetic dental-treatments-kingston-upon-thames. Minor side effects occur in a small number of patients and are always fully reversible within a few days to a few weeks. Immediately after the injection there may be mild swelling and redness which subsides within a few days.
Bruising at the injection site may occur, this can be covered with makeup if needed. Rarely a temporary drooping of the eye lid may occur, this resolves within a few weeks. Very rarely following repeated injections the patient may develop antibodies to botulinum toxin making subsequent treatments ineffective.
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Kingston Dental Clinic
41A Fife Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT1 1SF
Call today: 020 8439 1770
Email Us: info@kingstondentalclinic.co.uk
Monday to Friday: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Saturday: 11.00 am - 3.00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED